This page stores (in order) all old news posts before the site rework on 3/2/2025. Not sure why I'd bother keeping them, but I think the reason's somewhere between 'nostalgia' and 'record-keeping'...
Y'know, you could probably easily track how far I've developed as a person since I started this long-term project if you looked between all of these. Not sure why'd you bother though.

12/19/2023 - Approximately 1.8 Billion Years Later...

Y'know, I had been hoping my previous statements from my one-year-ago self wouldn't end up being true, but if the gap between this and the last post says anything, they sure did! By far this is the most egregious lack of attention I've ever had with the site, and that's saying something considering how often I show interest for about 2 milliseconds and then immediately do something else for half a year.

It's not that I didn't forget about this place either, I had came up with ideas like 3 different times, but just... didn't bother doing anything about it! So yep, entirely my fault this site's gone into disrepair (well I suppose that's not the correct term, site's still running fine, but close enough), and I really should have at least said something sooner. For the most part, this post's entirely to tell you that I'm not dead, for one, and for two, well... uh... nothing else actually. Yeah I did just tell you I have ideas, but they're very-much vague at the moment, although they've kinda always been like that so hell if I know they'll ever materialize into something tangible. I suppose the best thing you (and me) can do is just wait and see if I can stoke up a flame, and more importantly, keep it going. I'll try to work on that, at least!

Actually, I can share an idea I have, one that'll be easy to implement too: I plan on getting some new music for everything, including individual themes for every section, so it isn't just some random Deltarune song I thought sounded good enough on every page. That counts for something, amirite?

And one more thing: I'll probably do a bunch of HTML cleanup soon enough, nearly every div has some form of 'style' element tacked on to it, many of which use the same settings; I need to standardize them into CSS IDs, then editing things will be a lot easier, which means site updates faster (theoretically)!

1/8/2023 - Revelations, Revolutions, Resolutions

I had figured that since it was a new year, it might have been a good idea to, say, update the website in some way so it doesn't look like I dropped off of the face of the earth like a spec of dust on a table after a fan blows on it. The major things so far is that I've implemented a new animated background setup so the background isn't just solid, uninteresting black. The other thing is that I've been cleaning up the CSS and HTML code keeping this place in one piece, so it's easier for me to read and edit. Although, this is all that I've gotten done so far... so I wouldn't let your hopes get too high, but do keep some expectations open for more stuff 'soon'.

In other news... well actually there isn't really much to say there. Maybe "sorry for not existing for 4 more months"? ... Oh, right, I bet you haven't heard this one before, but I'm going to see through to adding more to the sections around here, considering they have single-digit counts in everything, and the archives are still empty A.T.M, so I should get to finalizing those things...

8/11/2022 - Wake Up, and Smell the Ashes

Broken promises, that's what I keep seeing around here...

It seems like every time I say "I'll try to keep this place in check", inevitably, in only a few weeks (and sometimes not even that), I'll leave and not come back for however many months at a time. I'm just gonna stop putting up lies about that and say it straight, I can't be consistent when it comes to this sites' maintenence. I'm just not cut out for it... at least for now. I don't think it really matters ultimately, but I feel bad when I keep saying things but then not following through with my word.

Meh, at least this site's redesign is now fully completed, so that's something. Still under consideration as to what I should actually do for this corner of the internet. Then again, there's a lot of things I'm not sure of, so take that as you will... At least I am sure that I don't take other people's work and pass it off as my own, no templates, no copying, none of that. I figured out HTML as I went, finding better methods of holding this site together. Originally I just used the <div> element, but nowadays I use tables to sort things out more stylistically, so sections can be easily stacked and resized if need be.

So yeah, TL;DR, I'm not sure how much I'll keep this place in check, but I will sure try to.

5/3/2022 - Reset, Revamp, Restore

Well then. It's been a... long time since this place has been updated. I was sitting around, not really doing much, when suddenly I remembered "Oh yeah, I have a website" and decided to check-up on here. I realise that I haven't used it in months, and it's been overdue to say something. As much as I hate creating promises I know I can't fulfill, I'm declaring now I'll actually put a token of effort into maintaining this place. Easier said-than-done, but not impossible. Besides, the place was in need of a redesign both at the frontend and back, so now I've switched to using tables instead of only div elements. Pages should be more interesting now.

Since I've been gone, there's been some change in directive for what I see in this site. No concrete plans, but it's mostly vague ideas on the concept of actually having something worthwile to see. Art, maybe? Writing? Music? Some form of creative output, I have ideas but no-where to properly apply them, besides here. The lack of activity I've shown on here has been a symptom of me being afraid of how people might judge me, but it's coming to my attention that... nobody cares. The fact is, no matter what I do, unless it's something illegal, nobody will have any harsh opinions one way or another, so there's no real reason why I shouldn't do something interesting and put it for anyone to see.

Of note, all previous News posts will be archived and stowed away somewhere, for anyone who might want to take a look at them. I'll figure out where when it gets to it.

9/29/2021 - Crossing off the List

I have a lot of things planned for this website, if the previous news post didn't indicate anything for you, let this one tell you directly: I'm doing a lot of stuff. After merging the Links and Interesting Things tabs, I've moved the main website page off of "Index.html" and to "Main.html" reserving index.html as a front for when I don't want people going to the site when I'm editing it. I probably should figure out JavaScript to make it go directly to main.html, but for right now it just has a button to take you there.

May as well refine my ideas for the Archives, so you know what's coming. When you go to the Archives, there'll be a list of buttons that take you to sections containing that type of content. Custom maps for various games, programs, videos, and many more things in their own sections. Of course, how would I do that without a premium Neocities account? Simple, like the FAQ says, you can link a file in Dropbox to a direct link. Simply putting that in will let you download it directly.

Oh, and one more thing... Most likely if you're looking at this on or near the release date of this post, you would have noticed the relatively small count of views this site has had. Honestly, I don't care much for them, I just do this because I want to, but they're a nice motivator. I will continue with updates soon, so stay tuned for that.

9/28/2021 - For the times, they are a-Changin'

About time I return to this thing. It's been over 1 month since I've touched anything on this site, the longest it's been. With this, like the title implies, things are finally going to change around here.

First thing's first, the Interesting Things and Links sections have been merged, since really, why did Neocities and Non-Neocities sites need to be seperated? Honestly it's was just filler while I figured out what to put there instead. So yeah, no point to it.

Second thing? I'm actually going to use Archives for something, hopefully I actually pull through with it this time, too! I've decided it will be a mix of things either I've made, or other things I've found while scowering the Internet.

Last thing is that I've updated the website's Button again. Why? Meh, I decided I'd make it match the title banner of the website, so it didn't look out of place. So yeah, hope things actually do change, because this place really needs it.

7/19/2021 - Welp, forgot again.

Well that promise from the last news update sure didn't hold up at all, after I posted that I maybe updated the site once the day after, then abandoned it for 2.5 more weeks. Well, while I was away I've considered my options more. Still not going to bring back the Polls, at least not yet, but I might actually make the Archives useful for something. Not saying what, though. Aside from that, not much has been going on.

Hmm... What else to say... Oh, I know, I don't think I ever said anything about this: A few weeks ago, I put titles on all of the buttons and some other things, so if you mouse over them and hold it there you'll see stuff. Kinda pointless, I know, but I was bored and couldn't think of much else to add at the time.

7/3/2021 - Another Case of Inactivity

Like I said (coincidentally exactly) one month ago, I sometimes end up losing interest in updating this place. This happened again recently, but i'll attempt to actually keep up this time. Not like it matters much, since I don't really do anything with this site, but I'll try nonetheless.

I really wonder though, what will I do with this site, even? I have ideas, sure, but they're a bit loose and not very connected. I might consider bringing back the Polls section at this rate. Probably not, but maybe.

Oh, and one more thing, while I was gone the site's hit 3,000 Views. Hardly expected it to ever reach 1,000, so thanks for that.

6/21/2021 - My Plans for the Archives

Despite them being added over a month ago at this point, the Archives have remained empty. Why is that? Well... I'm still not sure what exactly I want to put there. I have several candidates for what I could, but as of yet none of them have been put in. Only time will tell to see if I can actually put anything in there, which will either be tomorrow or 2 weeks from now.

6/9/2021 - The Future

Now, what will I do with this website in the future? I think I've gotten the design I want, for now at least, so most likely I'll be finishing the Archives, and adding more stuff to Links, Funny Stuff, and Interesting Things, as those sections need more stuff. Aside from that, I don't see much else in the future for the site.

6/3/2021 - Why This Site Sometimes Becomes Dead

It's fairly noticable that my activity on this site has been... inconsistent at best. This is because I often start something, but then become uninterested in it and just forget about it. But then later on I go back to it for a bit. Just know that this happens often, so if the site has a lack of activity at some point, I'll probably be back later.

5/26/2021 - Polls Section Removed

Yeah... Decided it really wasn't a good idea afterall to have that. Mainly because I couldn't think of another poll to put there. Aside from that, there hasn't been much change to the site, considering there hasn't been a news bit in a while.

5/12/2021 - Polls Section Added

Yep, there's another new section of the site. I'm still considering if it actually needs to be there. I'll decide later, but for now, you can vote for various things on various questions there.

5/11/2021 - Archives Section Added...

...and also the first News bit for the site. I've now decided what this'll be used for, and that'll be updates on what's going on with the site. I'll probably think of more but that's what it is for now.