...is this thing on? Yes? Alright, good. Now then.
Would you even believe that I somehow forgot that I had a whole website I was supposed to care about? Well, I didn't actually, but I might as well have with the lack of any changes to it in... I dunno, over a year? Closer to 439 days to be exact, which is a lot more than the month or so I told myself I'd spend revamping the site to look better than "baby's first HTML". I also wish I had something to show for that, maybe I'd finally gotten somewhere in those creative exploits I'd referred to for a year before that? Surely I've done something more important than mope about doing nothing, right?
I'll leave you figure out the answer to that on your own, in fact I'll give you a hint: Nope! Not a thing, really. Or rather, nothing of value I consider showing to the public beyond telling you it exists. Y'know come to think of it this seems like a more overarching problem than I thought, but HEY, that's something I'll figure out on my own time, last thing I need to be doing is traumadumping on the internet, there's plenty of that to go 'round already, so let's just move on. Next on the chopping block, where I'm going to go from here.
Starting from this post's creation, I'll focus on finally making the backend of this site not hot garbage. So far it's just written into hard-coded HTML, and not even proper HTML either, still too much legacy stuff I'm using because it's easier (what do you mean you can define CSS outside of the 'style' keyword????). Maybe I'll use template HTML frames and insert them into a base display HTML? Something like that, I'll think about it more later.
Once that's done, I'll get to the finer details. I was thinking of a custom font that isn't stock-standard Verdana after all, and while I would want to use one made by yours truly, I don't know the first thing about that so I'll probably just find one that's thematic for my current style, as long as I don't go around changing that as well, which I might or might not. Then after that? Might put some actual content on here, and (I bet you haven't heard this one before) I've been spitballing ideas for what that might just be. Art's still a no-go, but I'd be abstracting it too much if I said that's the only form of self-expression I have, so I'll find something worthwhile here, probably something coding related at these current rates. As one might presume though, whether or not I'll commit to this insurmountable workload (read: the bare minimum to ask for from a personal website) is inconclusive, and while I'd hope I would lean to the 'likely so' side of the scale, speaking realistically it could go either way. Time will tell, I suppose!
So yeah, that'll be it for now. I'd speak more, but last I checked I only have 999.3MB of storage left and I'm not confident I'd be able to condense my full words into that small of a space without it losing all coherent meaning, so I have to cut it here.
This section holds many of the previous news posts. Older ones go to the 'Older Posts' section, of course.